Crystal 050894 Redswastikaschool Dunmanhighschool Beltrix 08
Cursed w/ a freaking life :]
Jersey 13
My laptop<3
Will die w/o music
Hip hop :o
Daydreaming ALOT Friends are LOVE (BELTRIX! <3,
6/1 '06, lovelies! Happy ClUB :D, table-tennis & bball cliques), Lovebugz
today was damn funny but i juz cant remember wat some of the events were...nvm then...2mrw hv geog test.haiz so xian.fri, chinese test and we even had unexpected LA and Maths test 2day...i hv this feelin that i'm gonna fail both of them.Yeahhh!!!! i think i shld be able t o go Cheryl' hse on Sun.......2 play bball(:.......didnt play for a very log time though but finally ican get my hands on the ball..hahaha.....but hope my dad dun disagree........if not ...cant go loh....juz remembered still hv mock NAPFA test on fri too.......arghhh.....i must go jogging 2mrw..cant lack at this point of time or ill fail 2.4.hope it aint that bad and i wont get muscle aches.....again!
skipped t-tennis 2 day, cos optional and reached home quite early but was rainin very heavily...xian...then sammie,cheryl and i ran to the mrt..cos nobody wanted to use the fun, i got drenched but considered not that bad...and cheryl said that her hair was wet and looks lyk yulong's hair.....
finally remembered ......oh ya .......(better not sae the name) asked cheh meh wat was yulong's hp no. 2day...ACC teacher found out and read the slip of paper that written 'wat is yulong's hp no?' so embarrassin loh........OMG.......aiya, i 4gotten the other thing that happened 2day........oso again.........i think i hv not enough sleep this few days so 4 now
;9:02 PM
Sunday, February 25, 2007
a pic of cheryl....haha.....soon almost everybo
dy's blog wil hv a pic of her.......wearing yibei specs
;10:12 AM
Saturday, February 24, 2007
now i found out the problem wif my blog ....................haizzzzzzzzz........................once i change somthing or post....then the whole thing wil lykbe damn slow.once i post, then it wil not appear unless i post agin then the previous one wil appear and the formal one wun unless i post again........stupid rite.dunno why got this prob leh. 2day stayed the whole morning at home playing.....haiya, i wun to play bball leh......but dad not allow.he always gv excuses lyk. u do yr hw areadi o not......blablablablaabla(4gat it dun bother to rite, waste my time. dunno why msn hv problem oso...cannot go in .....nvm loh.......try to try again.........(am i speakin chimology, aiya ill try to shorten my sentences)
i juz wanna play!!!!!!.......gettin so bored.oh ya! 2mrw can play again :p.....yeah i lv must hv smt 2 do..
juz remembered how cheryl fall yesterday.(or was it the day before.nvm....) anyway very funny jiu shi le lah......hahahahzz cos cheryl wanted to tk revenge on wenning and she accidentally tripped on my leg when she wanted to kick wenning's butt...sry arh cheryl if u r hurt o wat....but dun blame it on me.......lololol...anyway gotta go so i wont miss my show...bbbbbbb
;7:38 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
yeah.2mrw sat again.2day rox, chinese test wasnt that bad and dhs table tennis won ngee ann sec!!!1yeah, we trashed them 4-1. i think we will be either 2nd or 3rd plc now......huuuuurrrrraaaayyyyy!!!!!!! the doubles i was plyin in won....finally after a long time of defeat by other schs....juz luv the smell of juz jokin..
oh ya, 2day i saw another 2 ex-RSSians at PLMGSS. the students i saw were: 1.Jasmin(in ngee ann) 2.wei yang( in vs) 3. wei da(in vs) RSS coach 5.Chester( from the t-t team, he used to qi fu me when i was in p3) 6. i 4gotten his name(chester's friend)both of them now in Anglican High 7.trisha (my ex-senior) in chung cheng high 8.another one in Anglican high.(dunno her name..oh ya 4gotten her name) 9.taitiang(brother's friend)in vs 10.austin(oso bro's friend)in duman sec friend(: now in chung cheng
gtg now.....hv tution.....sobbbxxxxxxxxx.....actually not that bad
;6:42 PM
shit...i think my blog hv problem. i change the song and smt else came out. er.....i dun noe wat language song came out and i dun noe how 2 change it bag..then if u go to my blog plus the www. or without the www. (i 4gotten). the song is another different one......AAARRGHhHHHH......i cant stand it anymore.
nvm......i added yulong in the msn....for fun....then the conversation was lyk this:
yulong:who is this? yulong:who r u? yulong:who the hell on earth r u man? (i did not ans cos i was hvin'
yulong:juz tell me who r u lah me:iam from 1B yulong:which one me:cheryl's friend lah. u wun noe which one. yulong:show yr face. tall or short me:normal yulong:with spect or dun hv me: hv him(lazy 2 type le): got tk third lang? me:no him:got tok to me before? me:no him:hmmmmmmm..... him: nvm.forget it him:i dun lyk 1B ppl me:fine.....
lame rite? anyway i gotta get ready for tomorrows chinese test and t-t competition so long
;6:42 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
2day....went bk to DHS for trainin.....whahh..xiao one train 4 about 4 hrs non-stop..tired lyk had lunch and went bk to rss(:.. 2bad the rest of 6/1 areadi went to junyuan pri....2 see xie lao shi.....sobxxx..miss all of them...hope wil meet again. anyways..still saw shou chun, joey ong, eleanor, xinyi, shi qi, jes, yijie..etc.sry 4gotton who le
then saw some of the teachers and a few of my bro's ex-sch mates.......had the chance 2 play bball.borrowed from the junors....hahas.....x). but ended up deciding not to play cos.....nobie said i lyk qifu them....quite true....then quite weird ende up walkin around the sch.surprised to see a lot of familiar faces.....
then when yijie and i were on our way to the bustop.....i saw another familiar face...i found out that it was mi tuition fren..first she said hi..then i tot who is familiar leh.......then i realised that it was someone i noe.LOl.......anyway nothin much 2 say cos i cant remember le.....hahaha
;9:35 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
homework.homweork.........and more homework!!!! arghhhh.....can't stand it anymore.Today, Sam and Cheryl and i were taking the MRT and Samantha kept on i look at her laugh, i oso started 2 laugh...hahaha. very funny loh.then Sammy keep on makin funny faces..then she said her mouth laugh until very TOO...hahahahahahahah.......then we ended up laughing all the way to Bedok MRT station, then i went bk xian now,ltr hv tuition, then 2mrw hv table tennis competition.....iam gonna leave class early again 2mrw.....sobxxxxxxxx....iam goin ta miss interaction period and research studies....the best few classes eva.........nvm......since its lyk dat.iam juz gonna try to win our t-t opponent 2mrw......ANGLICAN HIGH!!!!!!! anyways.....gotta go.........juz remembered hv science test
;4:14 PM
Monday, February 5, 2007
Today we went 2 chinatown, wahhh very hot leh, some more must carry the sch bag along with us . Anyway it isn't that bad, it was all worth while. We also watch the Sound of Music during Music Lesson 2day....very funny..........hahahax.But wats even better is the Japanese Anime our form teacher let us watch 2day. It was one of the best shows ever!!!...........i was laughing throughout the whole show.....its dam hilarious...........oh and bk 2 china town.....Nigel was lyk so 'acting gay' in the iam stuck with lots of hw.......aiah juz try 2day can day!........haha
;6:12 PM
Friday, February 2, 2007
Today was so fun. First lesson was Geog, it wasn't that bad......and next was LA. Our LA teacher was quite ok at times but she can get very angry......sometimes......But the best was PE!!!!! It roxs!!!! Despite i suck @ batminton 2day.......dunno why but Mr Tan kept on tellin Wen ning and i 2 hold the racket properly..........etc.........hope ill be better next week and not so bad lyk 2day......After that, we found out that our Chinese teacher was absent......OH MY GOD!!!! the class was lyk havoc......pity the class beside us.....sry i gotta go now.....hv tution soon..........bye