Crystal 050894 Redswastikaschool Dunmanhighschool Beltrix 08
Cursed w/ a freaking life :]
Jersey 13
My laptop<3
Will die w/o music
Hip hop :o
Daydreaming ALOT Friends are LOVE (BELTRIX! <3,
6/1 '06, lovelies! Happy ClUB :D, table-tennis & bball cliques), Lovebugz
then that vic guy congratulated me again.........hope my 'reputation' would improve.....haha..........i juz canot get this game off my head & i dun wanna 4get it either...then the uncle was lyk telling the small boy i was dangerous.dun let me get the i think my grp won.......bcause main of the midfield.wif some guy named charles and the victoria guy.....then uncle was damn tired.then we areadi played 4 1hrs...But ixcluding bfore the guys came..we played 4 about 2hrs le.but i still ain't tired...then when we left the victoria guy, teammate.....the attackerwho is pri.sch guy oso left......
hope i wouldn't lag the next time.gotta go now....duno wanna 4get this incident, will try to keep it in my memories 4rever........
;8:50 PM
suddenly 1 guy tried to score a goal but was too high.far wide...then it kinda landed in front of me so i tried to kick hit the floor first and then lyk bounced to the goal post but the goalkeeper( different then the blur one)...........caught THE BALL...oH MY GOD .IT WAS LYK SO CLOSE....I THINK FAR BEFORE THAT...THAT VICTORIA GUY SCORED A GOAL FROM SOOOOOOOOFAR AWAY....i can't believe it was in.anyway he is lyk too gd lah.....
then my 2nd goal was when i duno who..passed to me the ball or it was in front of me or wat.i juz couldn't remember lah......then i tried to dribble move it nearer to the goal post to score the goal cos the defenders were way behind me.i came from the right(facing the goal post) and then duno why.again scored wif my left foot...the previous goal i also scored wif my left one but it was lyk both goals i kicked the same was not from the sidebut the middle where my toes were.i hv no idea why i lyk to kick this way whenever i use my left foot.........AN UNBELIEVABLE GOAL!!!!!!!......i was lyk so happy.but didn't really expressed my self much.i duno why...but i was dam happy...continued again......
;8:50 PM
ok my com is seriously so laggy.i bet its gonna turn off again any now iam gonna rite this short and sweet cos i dun bother typin evrything out AGAIN!!!! i scored 2 goal's 2day!!!!!yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!played wif the teenagers bro uncle cousin and small boy was lyk so unlucky.he is lyk so cute lah.then he wanted to play.and he kena the ball more than 4 times 2day.all hittin his fce .....we didnt play lyk so rough lah.but since alot were wearing kleats, the ball was very hard..
haha tell ya guys my first goal.that victoria chao pro guy(played wif him before same team last time)...and now oso same team....his lyk dam kind lah.the first time tot he was the 'bad' type.but he turned up quite gd to me...thus indian uncle wanted to pass to his team mates but ended up passin the ball in front of me.....and i can't believe i manged to kick it.....that victoria guy passed to me the ball alot of times but i failed(cos mayb i always lag at the beginning)...but now i manged to kick it.wif my LEFT foot...and i scored goal!!!!(actually the goal keeper of the other team left and the new one didnt know he was the keeper.....but i oso considered gd cos ...another guy tried to defend but the ball passed him and i scored.i was lyk damn happy lah! then the vic guy was job....haha.i was so happy....ok next goal continued ........
;8:50 PM
ok.i really can't stand it anymore...why does this stupid blogger acc or i duno.....maybe the computer got so much prob..almost evry blog cannot even hear music ...somemore still so slow......4get it, life's so boring....( i mean wif the com).nvm...
Yesterday i ent to watch Mr. Bean....HE totally Rox!!!!!!!!! the show is lyk so funny..then went to Brass Passa( iam not sure of the spelllin.wtver)....and bought a new t-t jersey...its lyk $30 for the shirt and shorts....not very ex even more ex- de.but canot buy.....then saw the shoes .....oso very ex......duno why always hv a feeling of goin 2 Queenstown to buy a kleat.......the shoes there always cheaper than the usual prices.and hv more designs--- maybe thats why....haha.i still long 4 a lot of taste damn great one....i lyk de things all very ex-....oh ya....since i couldn't use the com 4 alot of days...ill juz tell ya wat happened on Fri.
Its pathetic...Cheryl and i went to play bball again.....then one chao tall girl and another chao tall boy.....onli sec 2, wanna play wif us 2v2. we got trashed lyk thing,cos they in bball.another thing they so tall.kep on blocking us.....and lyk so hard to dribble cross....another thing is that day i duno why my shots all out...then after about 10mins.......we stopped vsing.cos its so obvious they sure win(they in about 10 balls we stil 0)
then Cheryl and i juz threw shots lah...practise......cheryl at first couldn't even shoot her 3-pointer lah.everyball oso out...then suddenly after about 6 shots ltr.....3 went in in a row....ok.on the other hd....i stil suck.....then when recess bout to over.that tall tall girl ask us what was our CCa.... we replied lah....then she said hv u tot about joinin bball? i was lyk thinking(of course lah...but my father said canot).but i ended up shrugging my shlders and said, "iam not sure".then she said.ok thx and left......
so stupid......if onli i could join bball.....
;2:03 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
March Holiday rox!!!!!!!!!!!! So fun..haiz..2mrw must go sch again...i can't believe it this hol i can't even play bball 4 once!......and since my uncle went to China.....cousin can't play soccer.i oso can't !!!if my Dad dun care.....i'll juz play.......why must he care so much....
i admit i look lyk shit in pic---taken last dec
duno wat happened to this com again.its so damn laggy.the words become xtra large when i juz go 2 some1's damn stupid. doin my Animal Farm summary hard....& OBVIOUSLY BORING!.............
Actually nothin much 2 sae....Oh Ya!=p.........can get abetter phone now
sad thing its my mum's not mine..but at least i dun hv to stick wif the old one....unfortunately...dunno why its spoiled suddenly.and to fix it it will be $80+++ i think...but my mum juz checked and said maybe its free.....cross my fingers..x......haha.......
i wanted to bet 4 my dad's new phone....bball and badminton.1v1....i his phone.but decided not 2 do it cos.if i 30min aday..4 2mths!!!!i knew he wanted to threaten me..aiya.....bked out anyway...cos bball i may win but badminton he would sure win.....nvm...anyway he may lie to me and end up i wont even get his phone....anyway.busy with animal time :)
;1:54 PM
Friday, March 9, 2007
Played bball again 4 recess 2day..alvin so kind...cheryl& i didnt bring student pass 2 borrow ball, then used alvin's card to borrow 2 bball.then while cheryl, wen ning, raey and i were playin,some sec 2,3,4....aiya dunno lah girls when to join us ..sow e played 4 on 4 loh....they were lyk them rough loh at the endin but i think because at the beginning i wanted to snatch the bball from them......(aiya playin mah) thats why...
cheryl so pro......shot a silent 3-pointe until our senior's so jing pei....kinda.....then my lay-up's rox 2day=p .........iam lyk the top called.....didnt noe who win in the end cos......erm..we all loss count.but at the beginnin we were winning lah...then another even more pro senior when to join the other seniors.whahhhhh...her long ranged shots usually in leh....i so pei fu...diao....
then while i was tryin to get the bball from let sae A senior, B senior when to help A senior and then ended up her hands were lyk wrappin around my neck cos she wanted to get the ball in front of me........then i was lyk waitin 4 her to let go but she didnt so diao.....then finaly she let go.then siad sorry..then so wat lah..wen ning laugh lyk xiao then everybody oso started 2 laugh..........then i went to " strangle " go..........cos busy lah....
;9:10 PM
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Happy Birthday to Wenning, happy birthday to wenning, happy birthday to wenning, happy birthday to u!!!!!!!!!! --from Beltrix '07 to U!!!
i'll juz sae this its yu xiang's b/d 2mrw happy birthday to yu siang(aka. siang siang) happy birthday to siang siang, happy birthday to siang siang, happy birthday to u!!!!!
Aiya.......didnt gv ah ning present 2day, sa ma da lah....4get to buy, call her to sun bian help me buy, gv her10 bucks......oso wil i hv no way i can go out to buy a present 4 ah ning.......if hv jiu become belated bd present le........diao.. yeah!!!!!!found out that can borrow bball 2 play in sch le(: every recess oso get to play....cos 2day we when to the gym durin PE.then saw some guys playin there..especially that guy in pink shirt..his 3pointer chao pro sia........ then, cheryl & i saw ang suang and her frens goin to basketball court wif a bball. so, we tot og borrowin it from her...but her recess is earlier than us by 1 when its our recess, we cannot find her le......but we ask to borrow a ball from that pink shirt guy.then i tot sure canot de, but he so hao lend us the ball. so we play loh, then after a while, we saw weijie playin.......wif alvin.then zheng nan and timo joined.........after awhile wen ning & raey oso we play 4 on 4 even though.there was onli 5 mins left.but we didnt care........
i didnt noe timo so pro.his layup and long shots usually in...(aiya maybe becos he tall) hac care lah......then when bell ring...we qiong bk 2 class.....then the ball i borrowed from the pink shirt guy......alvin when to put in the PE room when the boy called me to put in on the benches.......haiya..ltr i kena scolded.jkin lah...anyway durin lunch we oso played..........joine timo.weijie they all, found them cos cheh meh tell us de...(saw cheh meh at gym cos we when there).then while playin........saw cheng yee....she quite good( long shots).......dribblin oso....then after some PE teacher say cannot play when bk 2 class....... enough of story 4 now.....gonna plae bball again
;7:36 PM
Sunday, March 4, 2007
tomorrow bk 2 sch again after a damn fun day today:p. went 2 bedok mrt station 2day to meet cheryl..wah biang she lyk gu niang lyk that .very slow leh.......then when 2 find wen ning.......we when 2 the mrt sation then cheryl ask me whether that wa swen ning, lol..then i said no lah.yr head(i tot that was a 20+++ qio bu)...............ended up it was wen ning loh lolol.....she where until damn sexy loh qio!!!!!!!!!!!!
then when 2 cheryl hse to do hothouse project.....laze around first lah...obviously......then we when to buy superglue cos mei you le.....and started to glue the hse parts 2gther.........whah......the superglue so was stuck on our hds lah.then we ended up wearin gloves........then cheryl chao funny.when the glue was stuck on her hand.....she scared lyk siao..when to her mother and said......MUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! so funny loh.hahaha.....then we recieved hong bao from cheryl's kind(:.....then after that ting music like usual....and then decided to hv lunch at mcdonalds........cos we wanted to meet elaine and raey..both of them ended up lost and kept oon calling wen ning......HAHAHA. she lyk so xing tong.kept on saying her money no more
then had lunch at mcdonalds..met raey.she wore until lyk so trendy loh....quite niiiiiice anyway....i bought lunch and didnt even notice i nought the same as met elaine..she played the piano at cheryl hse.ju hua nice loh.....then we decide to play bball....haha...she wanted to go to yulong's hse to ask him 2 play.....but he called him and ended up he was at jurong east.i dunno he doin wat..diao....i played quite ok lah.....not that bad as enough.hehe
then i beter cut this even shorter.tai loh suo le.haiz.......listen music ......played.....then ting yu came.....we discussed aboout the chinese project loh....ting music again.msn again......then i think saw cheryl bro.but it was when ting yu havent come.......he quite short leh.......dont even look lyk cheryl but more kind then wat cheryl described.........then it rained.then stopped ...haha.....yeah..played bball again..cheryl, elaine, raey, ting yu when to find yulong to play bball........wen ning and i did not wun to find him becos very pai seh.lyk his fans lyk that.chao odd loh...then we played bball.......practise our script for chinese......then elaine, ting yu when bk after a while while playin bball............wen ning osos when bout 6....then about 6.15.....yulong came wif his bball.........then cheryl and i and raey did not dare to ask him 2 the end cheryl shouted to him at the underside of the court to ask him to play..........then we played best of 11 shots......yulong so damn wat lah..kept on actin cool and shakin his discustin butt in front of us.its lyk so the wat lah............qifu us.......raey, cheryl and i vs yulong.he trashed us 11-5 or 4.obvious we lost lah he chao least i improved durin to 6+pm.played not lyk shit ........... :p.the 4 shots is i shoot de(:......yeah.i so pro.jkjkin lah.i considered damn lan le.....then raey took a lift to bedok mrt..cos my dad fetch e home mah......she keep on sayin to my father.xiexie.xiexie.......(very kind hoh).then my father kept on sayin dun mention it.damn diao loh..........haha.anyway gotta go.......bk to sch 2mrw again......
;8:31 PM
Saturday, March 3, 2007
had my usual swimmin lessons 2 day lyk usual..........then went 2 aunts shuang. played bball 4 nearly 2 i didnt play 4 a very long shootin sucks loh.includin lay-ups..........sobxxx......nvm least 2mrw playin wif cheryl wont be so suckish, at leat i wont be the lousy one cos got prctise 2day(: anyway gotta go, mums gonna scold me le bb