Crystal 050894 Redswastikaschool Dunmanhighschool Beltrix 08
Cursed w/ a freaking life :]
Jersey 13
My laptop<3
Will die w/o music
Hip hop :o
Daydreaming ALOT Friends are LOVE (BELTRIX! <3,
6/1 '06, lovelies! Happy ClUB :D, table-tennis & bball cliques), Lovebugz
now talk to her also bo chap then talk until like i her arch enemy like that.
it seems like this started just after i cut my hair weeks ago.
i think that somebody brainwashed her...
bad, real bad
& i am so gonna kill that person,
cos she had like taken over me,
what i used to be,
how i was treated in the past,
how i was in the past,
my laughter,
my joy,
my happiness,
my life...
whatever that person has done,
she will never change and i will treat the effing way she treats me
oh mayb its just my prob, i did something until when i talk to her she bcomes too serious and she NEVR JOKES with me anymore
i'm confused
now i am bcoming a fool again
;7:27 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
oh ya...2day we finally presented our horoscopes survey!!!! sry, wn, raey, cheryl for not senting the updated ppt!!!!!! but overall, we still managed it quite well & i really love the cards!!!! first time i'm satisfied with a project.. thanks guys, ur the BESTest of the very very very BEST(:
Then MSP quizzzz todae & it was a very close fight but 1BELTRIX managed to obtain 2nd position bhind 1Kezo... congrats guys
and i am so wishing that at the end of the year after exams, for the post -examinations activities, sec1 girls can play soccer instead of netball cos soccer is most hopeful for us to win & win a TROPHY (i guess??).
hm...ya SEPTEMBER HOLIDAY. 1) table tennis training Tues, Thurs 8:30a.m-12.00p.m 2) chinese tution
HOMEWORK (which obviously sux..) 1) Geog ( structured questions) 2) History Summary -gupta -tang dynasty 3)History ws ( golden age, research and fill in the blanks) 4) science SUPER THICK testpaper 5)maths also SUPER THICK testpaper
DIE ARH!!!!!
;8:17 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
;4:38 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
YIJIE, since u complain so much. i am gonna mk things right and CLEAR. LISTEN carefully, DHS ROCKS. so come to DHS..lawl.. tat few days i was in a bad mood, like alittle moddy and its just like school was odd, and boring... due to sum stupid reasons.
So, ya..tat was why
Yesterday was so much better and fun.. sry sammie...i didn't w8 for u cos...u tk very long so i went bk by myself. then i was bored to death until i slept in the MRT. time i hv done smt like tat
then i wok up several times, i was damn stupid. i almost missed my stop lar. When reached Kallang, i woke up 1 time. then at eunos i went bk to sleep..
then after tat i woke up at Kembagan and i was like wanting to rest my i laid down and slept again. Then suddenly i so zhun...dunno wat happened then i woke up when the doors open at bedok.. i almost missed my stop lar...FK then 1 lady bside me came out of her seat (i think tat was why i woke up) i immediately, carried my sch bag and chiong out of the door... i looked like sum idiot played maple today...stupid game it like brainwashed my bro and now he is super addicted.... and he become super hao lian...
oh ya dawn teached me how to mk at flower...haha(i modified a little) @-)(--
;7:23 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
celebrating my 71st post with I WANT TO JOIN BBALL!!!!!!!
;9:48 PM
No wonder Wen ning was so queer this few days... tok to her oso dun ans... xianxian one Quoted from ah ning's blog "I’m sorry to Raey and Cheryl as I was like quite quiet for these few days cause of mood swings or whatever. I want to be like last time, talk talk talk but then just cannot…hurry end of the month arh, I want to end my mood swings really quick. I also want to go back to RSS :D Teachers’ Day Eve is coming le."
chey another of her mood swings... but this few days arghhhh same thing as the previous post happened to me QUIET, i guess HATABLE, IGNORED, SUM IDIOT again
hmm...why am i not that lovable??? arghh...stupid question WHY am i IGNORED: pple= friends(if they r) 1. pple sure say i never tok one (BUt lyk i tok they dun even care) 2. Rude? am i? 3.Pple thing i'm never trustable(but i am...) 4. They always sae...i jiu shi like tat one (wat the eff does that mean? solemn, bo chap, no opinion) But i am NEVER BO CHAP, ok? opinions, sure have but duno how to express.
sigh..... Another unseen post 4 sure
;8:51 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
sigh...didn't update for so long.. cos hv tests and tests every single week.. it mkes me feel tat life is just meaningless, plain boring, shit
Got to watch tv yesterday cos bro hv camp and my father and i are practically the onli ones at home cos my noise one mum, working
i was half revising and watching homeward bound 2..hey it''s quite a nice show but a bit boring, but still nice storyline
School... wen ning, not horny le.. so she's a little too serious and very weird i hv no idea why... xinyi, starts to shout in class for no reason. raey, very sarcastic. cheryl, still the same blur blur one samantha, haha..she's just nice, really elaine, quite ok ting yu, grace, still the same. dawn, yu wei, can be irritating sometimes, but she's nice elieen, still the same(keeps on reading storybk in class...tsktsk) nicole, still friendly...nice 1A guys...all they sae is duno wat balls..that balls...suckas
So thats school i bet my life can't be a little less ordinary ...... friends, start to get quieter i duno about them but.. it seems i'm moving apart apart from them.. should i even call them friends?
i seldom folow the gang.. recess, they just leave me behind(not all of them) maybe bcos i didn't follow them but at least i did seat with them..
i'm just feeling ignored dunno wat to tok about but tried to speak no replies
i guess, thats part of life
;9:27 PM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
lol...i went to play games and did this...
;4:21 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
so, anyday was like any other ordinary day.... but todae rocks...
This national day eve at DHS is nothing at all like in RSS RSS, performance by wushu team, chinese orchestra, choir..
BUt DHS, mainly we sang the whole 1hr while the other kinda suck.. there was a fire alarm thingee to mk us prepare if theres a fire and what the fuck did we do? sat on the field under the hot sun and waited till everybody assembled and the teachers must find the 'arranged' casualties bfore we proceed to the hall.
So, what we sang ... national days songs.. about 7-8 songs? one of the campus superstar top 3 girls came to our school, i think her name was tilly? Then Singapore Idol top 12 finalist came to DHS too Nurul maideen her voice is simply AMAZING
very loud and VERY clear and her voice is so strong lucky her
so...ya went to bugis and watch bu neng shuo the mimi it rocks!!!! this feelin is so coming bk to me again... that short hair girl is so pretty and jay chou was so cute and shuai
i cant 4get the show, it was like so sad, but ha i didnt cry even though i wanted to
actually at the beginning, the show was nice like school BGR blabla but at the end it was very confusing
but i got to understand it... (: and i luved it
too bad wen ning didnt watch. went out with sum guy ;) haha...sneaky girl
then yijie, raey, cheryl and i was like forcing wen ning to watch cos it was like so...NICE
anybody readin this post!!!! wo yao jie shao gei ni this show.. it is so wan mei and PERFECTLY NICE i dunno wat else to sae cos it is soooo oooooo oooo ooooo nice
then after that not that interesting ler... just walked around todae cheryl super funae sia
and who else wants to see timo and wenning's pic??? i am gonna post it again cos i am so kind then pple dun hv to scroll all the way down or click on the erm... past post thing
;8:04 PM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
So, ordinary life... teasing, laughter, quarreling, fun.... teachers, students, test, exams, lessons... practiacally everything is ordinary, hope life goes on meaningfully, mayb smt interesting happens?
oh ya and elaine, if u r reading this, u r sick lar, actually not really but, very da dan, look at guys abs? peep in the gym during level camp... tsk tsk, badbad girl, must xue hao de hor.
so, feeling left out again, kinda, not really, but really.
really wanna join bball, please dad if i join, i will promise i will smt for the team, mk u proud, in smt else i do, i didnt sae this in front of u, cos it will sound stupid, so i'm r iting all this down, please gv me a chance, i think and i am sure this is the rite choice,
;4:16 PM
Friday, August 3, 2007
This few days, i hv really nothing to sae ler... its just, i'm getting fatter each day.. i am 50kg again:'( SO DEPPRESSED SIA...
but my bdae is coming(: it's this sun. ok lar,oso that that interesting, order food, each cake nia sad
oh ya..the poem i 4got very long never post liao...
Here i goes... but i really sux.. really..
and i start to tok more(sometimes)nowwadays(: i'm gonna be like i was in pr 2-4 TALKATIVE
kkk, here the poem goes:
it was 11 and no one had com, i felt myself foolish--dumb i left the door ajar, and went out to wait i realised that my dreams never come true, they only fade.
i went bk in and locked the door, in anger, i threw the cake on the floor, it never happens and never will. i will never have friends that care and feel
thoughts went bk to my hometown, where a single bully can never be found now where am i? left alone,]i walked right up and approached the phone i called my 'friends' which never were i was right, no answer came who is the one? to be blamed... me
i am stupid, lonely, just and ordinary kid wanted to change but never did. my life is a nightmare which nobody cares bullied, robbed is the same routine continued by throwing me into the bin
i am lost into a dream, deep deep down and i couldn't come out of it as if it was a bottemless pit.
i cried so loud in despair and knew the world is never fair cos my friends dun care if i weren't there even my birthday they 4gotten or is it they believe i'm just an apple that is rotten or smt no different
a loser, a loner a victim in every case nobody helps me even if bullies disfigure my face.
i noe it is true i'm just a plain, old kid, lost in the stars should i run away or travel to Mars? i knew, i knew i must get there fast to get the present to bcome the past
the end my mum read it after that and she was like... if u hv any problem tell me ok? OMG i just rote something and exaggerated it lar if u read this and feel all emoy or deppressed tag..k? cos if u tag.. i succeed... lol
ok gtg(: must go joggin, lose weight bbb
;5:50 PM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
so yea, the kallang river pic is here. and 4 the poem, i lazy to post...mayb the next post. (i noe i suck in the pic, i always suck at pics)