Crystal 050894 Redswastikaschool Dunmanhighschool Beltrix 08
Cursed w/ a freaking life :]
Jersey 13
My laptop<3
Will die w/o music
Hip hop :o
Daydreaming ALOT Friends are LOVE (BELTRIX! <3,
6/1 '06, lovelies! Happy ClUB :D, table-tennis & bball cliques), Lovebugz
I use this blog as a diary so ...yea. Finally finish reading "hail caesar", and i feel that i'm being brainwashed. Starting to think i'm acting like that John in the book and the vulgarities he use, anyway its an American book so it is usually like that. But the sentence strctures is like," fine. whatever. goddamn. fuck you. I dunno." its like i don't want to forget that book, but i know i will. AND NOW I"M STARTING TO TALK LIKE IT....haha, i wouldn't last anyway...
But i t rlly is a great book, the story line is sweet, even though i usually like happy endings but this book did not have an ending. that guy is supposed to either talk to that girl and finally be with her, just be friends or with somebody else...but there was no ending. So, ... but i find it a nice story. The outhor wrote that book in a way that u r like the person in the story, like a first hand account. All the feeling are written down like from the heart, soo some parts i think....are kinda touching and i imagine like what happens int he story, the scene itself when i read word by word. So, my bro took onli a day to complete it and i took 4,5 days..........
ARGH i can't stop thinking about it......IT IS SOOO NICE!!! ....inexpressible at ALL! and i realised that this is the first book i've read intentionally throughout thw whole year And training starts tomorrow And my cbox is dead, totally dead! I might consider deleting this blog.
;9:36 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007 was soooo boring today. When to Parkway this morning and realised that the instructress didn't come today so there was NO hip hop. ( and i missed my bus, and to think of it, i tot i would be late for my first lesson.) How great to start a me and my mum went to parkway and i was angry with her cos she didn't tell me that the instructress didn't come....sry mum.. I went to sport shops like usual since i didn't come go to parkway for a few months, and isetan I got 2 tees ( hehe, in 1 1/2h). What else, oh yeah i wanted to get basketball shoes and a new football and a pencil box, new goggles, bag.....but my mum didn't allow. So...nth much. I needed to go for this table tennis training thing so afta awhile, i took a bus home, changed and such..
Then i followed my cousin and his parents to hv lunch and then training. My cousin is like only P3 so the whole time, he was playing with me this "Sheng gong wu" game, something to do with this cartoon "shaolin showdown". Sooooo training went....I WAS SUCKING LIKE HELL...argh. Almost the whole class were guys...but there were primary and secondary students. Their table tennis are good, at least better than mine. Actually i knew, i will suck, that's why i didn't want to go but i had to cos my mum forced me to.
It was quite ok actually... but there'll not be training next week as the coach is going to Taiwan.. Now back home, doing the david copperfeid show..for awhile...he's quite charming haha.
So....nth much to say, oh yea my swimming will be 2mrw...hope it doesn't rain and i will not lose form. thats all.
;7:26 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Seems interesting, so i coped this from Raey's blog: (yea, its a quiz..)
Q: NAME A FRIEND WHO'S NAMES STARTS WITH A 'S' i hv no idea...Shanisca, Samantha..yea
Q: 4TH PERSON ON YOUR MISSED CALLS w8, i'll get my phone oh yea, weiteck?!
Q: DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS? its digusting afta its done, but usually in the past
Q: DO YOU HAVE CURLY HAIR? Afta i started keeping long hair 2 years agao
Q: WHAT IS THE NEXT CONCERT YOU'RE GOING TO? i don't go to concerts
Q: WHOS THE COOLEST PERSON IN YOUR LIFE? jay chou...haha. Better than anything i can think of.
Q: WHAT WORDS DO YOU SAY ALOT? er...i say, "errrrr"
Q: HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE, DONNIEDARKO? nver heard of it, if its a comedy, i'll watch
Q: EVER BEEN HUNTING? NEVER...sadly...even though i think i'll having the worst moments of boredom in my life
Q: WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID, ''I LOVE YOU'' AND MEANT IT? i usually don't say that, i think i wrote a post or smt to my friends....
Q: WHAT SHOULD YOU BE DOING RIGHT NOW? Studying, preparing, reading that goddamn chinese storybook
Q: DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME? cheryl just called me sisi...what the hell( as in north south east west in chinese the xi)
Q: DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? not really, i believe that love will find its way
Q: WHO'S THE YOUNGEST ONE IN THE FAMILY? yay me! i've no idea why i like to be the youngest. even though i want to know how being a real sis/bro feels like.
Q: DO YOU CLEAN UP NICE? i like to be neat..but end up messy
Q: LAST TIME YOU USED A SKATEBOARD? Gallen sports, loooooooooong long time....way back when i was duno how old I was testing it out for fun..
Q: BEST MOVIE YOU'VE SEEN IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS? it was 3,4 weeks ago i think, i watched Mr. Woodcock and it ROCKED!!!
Q: WHO DO YOU TRUST THE MOST? My mum, even though she's buggin me to go to bed, and think i'm playin com games
LAST 1) person you saw: My bro.
2) talked to on the phone: my aunt, they were waiting for us to go hv dinner
3) hugged: Yueqi ( i don't really hug, but she left so ....)
4) person you texted: Mum, and it was yesterday._.
TODAY 1) date: 28th October 2007
2) plans: i am going to bed after a day without my usual swimming class, stayed at home, watched tv, play the com, msn, blogging, xbox, reading( i like this book "hail caesar".)
3) dislikes about tomorrow: i don't dislike tomorrow, cos it'll be the first time i'm going to learn hip hop in a studio and train table tennis...well maybe i'm bored of table tennis
CURRENTLY 1) missing someone: 1.yueqi, dad( both went overseas) sigh...2. chatting with nic ans sha
2) mood: going to bed mood.
TRUE OR FALSE I am a morning person: both?!
I am a perfectionist: true, sometimes
I am an only child: false
I am currently in my pajamas: yes, pyjama bottoms
I am online 24/7: false, but today 12hrs?
I am very shy around the opposite gender: yes UGH why can't i be perfect! i AM VERY SHY when it comes to guys....
I can be paranoid: what is paranoid?
I currently regret something that I have done: not really, no.
I enjoy talking on the phone: YES, especially about guys, movies, sch life, gossip...dunno why..haha
I have a lot to learn: YES TRUE, alot....
I have a secret: Not really, maybe, yes.
5 people to do this: Well, i dunno...who r my friends, just do this thing...haha
k i rlly gotta go, my mum's fed up with me bye(:
;11:17 PM
Ok blogger went haywire yesterday so i'll be posting pics today hehe oh yea and for the netball we got 2nd and got a trophy which hellloads rock=D oh ya, the pics will be netball and such too
wenning and timo in twister hehe: and after class gathering at the bus stop: (i think Raey took that pic and she says its horny, so she sent it to me....its digusting...but hu cares):
godshit, its laggin so this picture will not be postedT.T
next, my favourite netball pic:
And then September or June hols( at the mrt after training wearing Nicole's sunglasses._.) (i look VERY retarded):
;11:58 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
AND AND YUEQI is goneee WAHHHHHH!!!!!!!
almost all the girls all cried today first wenning and then everybody else, even yueqi sigh........ well, i cried lar, but not much I think nobody have ever seen me cry before but missing yueqi, its alot.
At the beginning of the year, i think was she much hated by some pple of our class, but our girl has grown to a teenger T.T she's so cute, adorable unbelievably even Chang Wei and timothy said bye to her
sigh..... its like with he results and everything it was sad. But Yueqi is leaving wah!!!!! sob.....sob
Plus, i realised that throughout this year, the best moments and the worst moments of my entire life happened in this year that feeling, mad me cry But i guess, this stage of life will be like that Teenage life.
Well, in primary sch, usually i'll try to get along with everybody. It always turn out ok in the end. This year, it different.
This person doesn't change i'm tired of keeping this in my heart all the time its a waste of time
But i find that typing all this down is kinda useful but i hate offending pple except this person which from her past and now changed alot and when i mean ALOT
its alot
she used to be this person and now she's totally another tried to get along everytime tried really hard suceeded but for awhile, she' s that patheticly selfish self again not rlly selfish but acting not self- centered but actually is always acting all along U shld noe hu, always says she's this , she's that complain about herself, but ended up, make pple pity her.....bleh and when pple pity her, she says she's gd
forget it, this is making me angry haha ok bye(: happy holidays!!!!!!
;9:19 PM
;9:19 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Omg i feel so happy afta tonite. i realised throughout this year, i'm not a kid anymore. and i feel more confident.....well, kinda..haha(: i've actually gone through tough decisions and friends, they're always the best they r the ones that help u whenver something happens
and tonight was the 2nd 1Beltrix's class gathering i didn't go to the 1st gathering so i must say, 2nite was funnnnn
Although this time, it wasn't organised properly, but it turnedout interesting cos somehow the guys bonded a little with the girls
AND AND AND i will never forget what happened to Timo and Wenning it turned out that they were the last to play the Twister actually cheryl, wn and timo were competing with each other. and then cheryl was out, so it was left with Timo and Wenning ( what i imagined rlly came true...haha) ( actually come to think of it.Timo's quite nice....not that i care haha)
and they played for VERY VERY long ( i didn't count the time._.) but it WAS long and since wn is the tallest girl in class and timo is the tallest guy in yeah. It was a tough fight but end up i went to tk something to eat (i think it was the time when i fell down) so yeah...i fell on my BUTT and another area, and it HURTS!
anddddd i went tot the toilet to wash my hands and when i came bk wenning lost cos she said she gave up it was like Sha and Yu Zhen was touching her butt cos it was revealing
ok, maybe not her butt, i think her waist then wn said that she had to move her hand for the next move and it was like going through Timo's legs and hands so she gave up
haha but wenning is still hyper today! like her like that, its like bk to her usual self lol....
ok and DAWN u rock yr pinyata was SOLID even when the whole class of 36 took turns to wack it, the pinyata still didnt break soooooo we had to open it ourselves she rlly put ALot of effort into it so thanks
and yea... the ICE POP DIDN'T TURN TO ICE and it was alittle digusting when it is watery but our class at 40 of them and thats how many my daddy bought(:
I think thats all and i hope i can get the pic's from wn, raey, or lin lao shi so i can post it here
k bye(:
Oh yea and today was the first time raey wore clothings until so xin gan, actually she's quite photogenic. EVERYBODY IS but i'm not quite....sobz
zzz haha. but nvermind. i've no idea how i'm gonna loose weight like that, i ate chips and fries and jelly TODAY! oh yea there's still pizza. i think i'm gonna gain alot of weight. nid to jog 2mrw nid 2 times the exercise so yea gtg bye=p
;9:00 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
haha, imeem's finally working so some of the songs are added yea
and i realised i'm so obsessed with hip hop suddenly zzzzzzz
in sch we did hip hop today, so mayb thats why i've been lokking forward to it since last week and it deifnitely didn't disappoint me lar cos i was like OMG when the guy instructors breakdanced WOW
duno what to else to say cos they were TOTALLY AMAZING they were HAWT
ok thats all, if i continue saying, i will regret joining hip hop if i can't catch up or suck at it so yea... lookin for the best(:
;5:27 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
This few songs r going to be added in my playlist: ( after imeem works)
-beautiful girl -( a song by nelly furtado) -perfect -simple plan -shut up and drive-rihanna -sorry, put the blame on me-akon -jenny -click 5 - wu ding -jay chou
;2:15 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
my mum's bought me a skipping rope[: and maybe i'm going for hip-hop classes (:
;3:48 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
hey guys AGAIN(:
today is seriously damn boring lar... afetr the past 2 days of exam tkin i am like so angry with my results except MATHS haha i luv this subject cos i realised i'm not that stupid at all(:
ok so what happened was YESTERDAY i fell during soccer and scratched my eyes bcos it was itch and my both eyes r SWOLLEN i also suffered throughout the 1-3hrs it's damn freaky AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHH
and i missed sch today i and if i have gone to sch, it'll be the best few days of my life but i played maple the whole day today( ok not the whole day lar, cos it is SOOOOO boring for some reason)
ANDDDDDDDD i'm getting VERY VERY FAT cos of not exercising nver swim & jog for 3weeks it sucks i tell u
i think my stamina will dropp like hell and i will spent my whole day crying cos i luv swimming and i'm gd at it
ok thats all cos it is BORINGGGGGGGG and i dun want to be so er....pessimistic ler (:
OH YA....GUYS And i havent even talked to that person at all yet as in face to face i just feel that.....argh nvermind soooooo when i rlly talk to the person than u can tease me all u want haha cos, i practically am not the person's friend yet so how can u all de mindset be so advanced heheh see whether nic help me succeed(:(:
;9:46 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
wenning u rock!!! yr blocking is the BEST(:
haha rachel can't block me(:(:(: jkin.haha.......
;6:53 PM
YEAH!!!!!! celebrating my hundrenth post 100th(:
ok i seriuosly stopped bloggin for like very long so this post is going to be about netball(: yeaterday we got 2nd place haha not bad for a start, we didnt noe we could get so far
but unfortunately we lost to 1I so 1I got 1st we lost by just 2 points and i realised that afta the match, we weren't even sad it was weird......but true
i think cos we did our best and it was a fun match.. so yea but we knew we coud win eileen and i both knew we had form yest unlike on thurs: i had form Fri: eileen had form but yesterday i swear we rocked! haha yea it was just plain fun we were like laughing and chatting throughout the whole match
then ata that when to vivo city and i had a splinterT.T damn pain lar yeaterday my mum, dad and maid was like trying so damn freakin hard to did it out of my toe it hurt like hell and it lasted for 1h But the stupid wood didn't come out
but i'm stil not regretting cos yesterday at vivo : wn, raey, sharon, jy, kim,cheryl, and i went MAD
i didn't noe going to vivo was nth to do with shopping we ended up tking lots of crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy phtos haha.....
and cheryl was bullied by jy and kim at the pond cos she was being splashed
then went to children's playground( ok we were super childish) and the small kids were like smiling at us lol it was stupid but still enjoyable lar
then went to toys r us and i wouln't fget how bimbo jiayi was let's see whether i hv picsssss
i think i post the netball first
;6:53 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
haha this is 99th post(: and i'm like so happy cos EXAMS R OVER!!!!!!!!!! slap me........... THIS IS REAL!!!!!
yeah...interclass netball 1BELTRIX IS IN THE SEMI FINALS!!!!!! i repeat SEMI FINALS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yesterday we thrased liuke 2 classes 1E and F 11-2, 11-4 cos i got form(:(:(: no lar eileen and the rest were SUPER GREAT
BUt today?! i SUCKED LIKE HELL 1i-we lost5-4 1d won 6-2 1c won 2-1
its like wat the fuck 1i so pro lar thrashed all of them like 11-1 like that
BUT i SWEAR with teamwork, no matter how short we r, no matter how tall we r BELTRIX ROCKS!
with team spirit, we will hv skill, potential and stamina and we WILL be UNDEFEATABLE!
;8:37 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
0k in this pic i WAS FAT
but i like the adidas jacket(:
lol cool lar...retarded
bb gtg muggin'
;1:20 PM
haha just reflecting the past(: i am NOT photogenic & that sucks
;1:20 PM
3 MORE PAPERS TO GO!!!!!!!! and words r done with it EOY dun stay, die xD
......haha i've practically nth to say, just mkin words rhyme but i it doesn't seem like it
;1:20 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
well, its almost the end of yr and like 4 exam ppers out of like 8 areadi done sigh, didnt post for very long keep on muggi until no time to play after exams i'm gonna be mad go cheryl hse play bball(:
and yea, play maple
and interhse netball gonna train really hard, really really hard must at least get 3rd position
actually bein optimistic if we r gd enough, we might be first yea so jia you! must get a $prize$ lol if can ge trophy i will be so happy duno why but i prefer trophy to money
and yea, the guys in my class duno whether can win or not if interclass games is soccer then our class sure own the rest like mad one so hope it's soceer instead of bball