Crystal 050894 Redswastikaschool Dunmanhighschool Beltrix 08
Cursed w/ a freaking life :]
Jersey 13
My laptop<3
Will die w/o music
Hip hop :o
Daydreaming ALOT Friends are LOVE (BELTRIX! <3,
6/1 '06, lovelies! Happy ClUB :D, table-tennis & bball cliques), Lovebugz
Today's like so screwed. GEOG sucked like always. then, PE, i suck at incline pull-ups but if i'm not wrong i got 1.90+m for standing broad jump(:(: Then, Science funnn and sickk ACC, i drew a picture of this muscular guy and then Yilling was like, u're drawing a half naked man!
haha. Thenn, had lunch with Cheryl, and thennn BBALL! (: and lin lao shi said she wants to try me out next Thurs(:(: wif the coachD: SCARYY
So we started playing like around 2.10 and played till 5.15 Omg i'm so high. haha I TRIED CHERYL"S SKATEBOARD OMGOMG. It was so damn fun i mean rlly funny even though i can't rlly ride on it but at least i could on my first time trying it. hehe. But i almost fell and Cheryl keeps laughing at me.
And then the weird thing is. This grp of primary sch kids were playing soccer and then that yanXu's friend was like telling him not to play there and one of the primary sch guy who was like 16 this year and he came from Pakistan was very unhappy. Blablabla then he came to our side of the court and used his soccer ball to throw into the net. So this 2 guys started arguing blblabla with each other and they started fighting. THE SCENE'S SO MEMEORABLE. I'll use imagery to describe the scene man(:
haha. Let pakistan guy be A and Yanxu's fren be B (too caught up with math) first, A pushed B and b is so weak that he fell on the floor, or isit A is to strong. but wtver. Then, B was bloody burning with fury and pushed A but then A didn't even buldge cos i guess he's too big even though he's not rlly tall whereas B is. then A used his leg and kick and the kick landed on b's face and B fell on the floor, he kena concarsion. haha. ok it wasn't funny.
And then, B fainted for like 5min and sudden;y when he woke up, he totally forgotten everything. Lol. it was reallly funny but it was seriously dangerous too. And then B kept aksing YanXu questions until he got fed up and decided to take a paper and write VERYTHING down. haha. but then B had a sudden enlightenment and doesn't need the paper anymore. Then Yanxu crumpled the paper and threw it away. haha superr hilarious.
Ok then there was alot more i realised that that Pakistan guy was supposed to be famous in his sch for fighting and everybpdy feared him, esp. his father who was even bigger than him. But then, the Pakistan guy is really very nice. really.
haha, i got this feeling that if i'm a guy. everybody will like me( kinda weird. but yeaa). Dunno where this feeling came from.
Alot to say but forgotten most of them. Oh ya, I l'll be going ice skating(:
;8:00 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I love my My boyfriend Andrewwwwww he has curly hair :D and a tiny beer belly. (:
;6:54 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Mummy finally got me my watch. Now i'm awaiting for my matching soccer boots(: It's gonna be so hawt. Today Geog test is finally over and i think i'm gonna fail cause i couldn't finish the last part which is ard 6 marks, but then it's not that hard. I'm superrrrr happy with my math results and ws cos i got As and 18/20 for the mock test on Indices. (: i'm not a failure. yay. haha Played bball today after school with Cheryl and her friend and his friend who took damn long to come to bedok. So we reach the bball court at almost 3 after we had lunch. Blablabla played and then we also played truth and dare but it was stupid, and cheryl's fren couldn't play bball neither could his friend so i was pawning them. hehe. Went back home and Aunty Shawn was here with Uncle Ken and Andrew. OMG, Andrew's so cute. When he smiles, it's even better and when he says cheese, he's cuter than ever. OMGOMG haha.
Maybe i'm gonna post his pictures =p
;10:49 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
OH YEAH! we owned Plmgs and Ngee Ann 4-1 (:(: and and i played on Friday:D we won i luv my partner =p but then she scold me fxcker during the match)):
Yesterday we went to kong hwa for training and i was superrr happy cos i played very well but then i became lousy and played like shyt and was super upset but then Gigg and Ignatius was really funnyyyyyy. Ignatius was like telling us about dhs girls, then he pulled his pants to the highest and said that dhs pple like to do that and show their boobs and wear mini skirt. hahaaaaa i laughed until i almost cried and nicole was trying not to laugh. haha. And then our match lasted for almost an hour. i can't believe it.
Cos we were stuck at 5-5 for the whole match as every min we lost count because the 2 boys kept on crapping. When i mean crapping, i mean really crapping. They're so damn funny <3 They're already sec 1's but then they're still as crappy as ever. OMG. haha, but they really really lightened up my day =D. Okay thats all for now. Gotta study.
;10:43 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
;8:14 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY everybody. Soryy i didn't gv my friends presents D: cos i remembered the date wrongly and thought that Fri is friendship day. Anyway, it was really fun today. I studied really hard for the science test and felt that i could get high marks....BUT i forgotten the parts on the heart and the test tested about 60% on that.Yea. So. Yes. T-T
Cheryl came back today.haha. sorry about your totoise, i have no idea where yu wei put it now. AND AND that death note guy is NOT SHUAI!
plus, ..... HOW COME THE MUSEUM HAVE JOAKIM GOMEZ AND I DIDN'T GO.. T_T wahhhh. sad... everytime when "celebraties" come, i'm always not there when i can be there. Never mind then..
Here's a video :D taylor swift has a very good voice.. she's hawTTT teardrops on my guitar
;8:02 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
i'm so in love with mr. brightside now. It tune is perfect. Just like other songs which make me reminisce about almost anything that happens in my life. This makes me remind me of the past, a whole lot of them. Primary school days were like almost the best.
Yesterday, when back to rss then met stacy, yijie, terence, jing han, sameul and raymond i think. yea.. Then first terence, stacy, yijie and i were like wondering around the school to find teachers. AND AND Mrs. Chan came back with her grand daughter who was a mixed blood. SO CUTE. and smart too. Then, quite alot of teachers left by then and we had to leave school at 12pm. So, this botak teacher i've almost never seen before except once or twice in p6 was like becoming the next Mr. Chua. -.- hate him. Ok then, when raymond and the rest came, terence joined them and played bball. While, the girls were like wondering ard the whole school where we were remembering fun memories along the way.
I still remembered my prefect duties times.. when i was like ard p3, when the school was still constructing, i remembered, my duty was at the staircase while, cheng yee's and stacy's was at the other floor upstairs. Then, i usually join them upstairs and once, we played "bowling" and we were like using water bottles. It was really superrrrrr funnnn. Then once, Ms. Sobrielo saw us. Almost saw us. In the class room while she was teaching. haha cos we made alot of noise..ALOT. and then, once, cheng yee had a sore throat... but i can't remember what happened. But it was amazingly the best few moments of my childhood life.
There's still more. alot more. like old school hall during p1, and the new one when i was p5, it was done constructing. AND oh ya.. THE temporary hall was LOTS of fun too. ugh.. i feel like crying already... i shall stop here then. nono, ther's still the concourse and fish tank where my bro said he saw somebody fall inside before. and then the before constructing of school, there was this traophy area and the book shop was very far away from the canteen and all. when i was p1, mrs. loke was our PE teacher and once, this guy, (OMG i forgotten his name), he fell when our class was running to the feild cus mrs. loke was like telling us to RUN to the field. So, she was like, she felt veryyy veryy guilty.
I realised it's good to study in a school which is renovating. primary 1-- the old school. primary 2 to 5-- the renocating school and primary 6-- the new school. good times.
so let's continue the story, after rss, we went to tm, stacy, me , ray, terence, stacy's 2 bowling friends.. i think ian and edwin. Then yijie decided to join us then we ate lunch at macs. Actually, raymond wanted to go to pizza hut but then the queue was too long. Then he said we'll go too Paris cus there is sure no queue there.. WTF he was just joking anyway so we went to macs in the end.
And we went everyway so aimlessly.....Very aimlessly. Our target was just to have lunch and terence had to get a pair of new scholl shoes which must be lesser then 30 bucks. haha. so the guys went to converse. the girls went to check on the jay chou show movie ticket price. we chat quite alot. then met the guys at Macs.. they took so long to walk, then i realised ray was carrying his bball everywhere he went. weird. then, we went to i dunno know where to get terence his shoes. But then yijie and i had to go she we took like more than 5 mins to say good bye. Cos stacy was like saying we all pangseh her, she was the only girl left. haha.
But then we went home and left her with the guys for around 10min, because her mum was fetching her.
Yupp. Today's Chinse New year and i really wan tot start a new. Hope that this year can be as memorable and exotic like in primary school days.
;8:20 AM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Wishing everyone a happy Chinese new year!!! haha...3 days break + weekends... its heaven
Don't think i'm going back to rss tmrw, but i don't want to slack and start mapling my ass off again cus it's making me losing my touch -.-
maybe i'm going bk afterall but i'm rlly not sure.
let me think.. OH yea La was damn funny today, then cheryl everytime make fun of mr. harris. keep on calling him mr harry. like wtf.. tsk so rude
and we had this quiz thing today which was VERY FUNNY and yesterday was worst. Markia's grp was reading munition wages in banglah tone with lawyer and i was laughing LIKE mad. and alvin rapped smt. for the fallen. haha, good times.
anyway i have nothing to say. :) buhbye
;10:20 PM
Friday, February 1, 2008
My post is super late but last friday we went to the bloooooooddddeee bank and it was so digusting. Ok not rlly but this is a picture of us and the other is year 2 table tennis grp photo:)) (all i look retarded in)
And i CAN'T belive that i'm actually going to wear a DRESS for chinese new year. oh god.
;6:25 PM
Its not my fault. Its just what i do. Your smile and laughter lightens my day. I don't know what i'll do without you. I don't want to forget you but if i do, you'll at least remain a small part in my life.
Its FRIDAY but i'm wasting my day at home. I should have gone out to buy new clothes :(