Crystal 050894 Redswastikaschool Dunmanhighschool Beltrix 08
Cursed w/ a freaking life :]
Jersey 13
My laptop<3
Will die w/o music
Hip hop :o
Daydreaming ALOT Friends are LOVE (BELTRIX! <3,
6/1 '06, lovelies! Happy ClUB :D, table-tennis & bball cliques), Lovebugz
Another stupid day. Everybody's like so pissed today la. haha For HCL, the projector thing couldn't work so lin lao shi was pissed and she changed marcus' seat. Then Mdm Rozana was also pissed for i forgotten what reason. Maybe cos SOMEBODY broke the quadrat.Teh, Mrs Tan was pissed cos 1 of the math test was missing and she complains and lectures that we should not be self centered and all. And i'm happy but not stisfied for math whcih i got a 24/30 cos i though i would have failed but i didnt and there were many errors in it so i minused a mark from 25 to 24 and could have minused more if i would be THAT honest. (which i won't be(:)
Then Timo emoed the whole afternoon cos he was sick. Actually i almost had a fever in th morning too. Then bball training, die man. The coach's kinda pissed at us cos we didn't lift up to the stanards which i have no idea what it is cos i'm like new there. First day, and it sucked too. Cos most of the time daddy's bothering me and he smsed me like duno how mnay times cos he just want me to come home early which i tootally understood. But i didn't reply his smses cos i was like in training and there was almost no break at all, except once or twice unlike t-t training.
So he's gonna like ban me after the fucking first day of training. UGH, don't make sense. Is dadday weird or am i weird? okay nvm. sooo. i can't think about the future anymore, its restricted by he's freaking laws and orders. I have no idea what i'm going to do next. rlly. no idea.
;7:57 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008
hot day.
i found myself lost once again, help. It didn't turn out the way it was supposed to be. It wasn't right.
Anw yay, i still hate make-up (:(: Oh and last sat was fun. The bazaar turned out great. At least better than today. And i want to kill my brother. Why do things keep happening to me?
Life's rlly full of a fuckin load of excuses. I want things to turn out my way, not theirs
;7:03 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
Fuck, i feel so FAT): I was so happy at 12 . 15 today and now i'm so fucking depressed. Geog test is over, and i had to stay back for some crap i&e thing and we crapped alot(: Not bad until it ended and daddy took me watch a movie and didn't tell me until the last minute. UGH. We watch forbidden kingdom and it was quite nice at the neding and i couln't help starring at the actor cos he was like so familiar. And then i finally realsied he was the guy who acted in sky high. Funny show, but quite okay. Then came back, i am SO FUCKING FAT. and my fcking bro is boasting about his muscles. ARGH. when wil i have the body i want. UGH and i'm so damn fat now and i stil need to grow. And i can't even swim 2mrw and maple's not working and i want to play basketball and grow taller and i have to go to the crapp holland village thing 2mrw and my mum's forcing me to eat and i'm not fucking hungry. I want to die. FUCK. I hate myself. THE END
;8:04 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
chace crawford, haha. we'll isn't somebody just so in love with him.
;8:08 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
This week's a super amazing week even though there's tests and all and we had to mug like shyt cos of HCL, History and Science test(all i'm going to flunk), and not to forget + many many mock tests. BUTT yay to siang, he's so cuteeeee =D
haha, ok.. i'm obsessed with step up (ugh) .. during the exams (omg) ... anyway this week just rocks!!
This SAF peeps came to perform accapela (i suck at spelling) on Monday and we got the guts to take pictures with them <3>taken from YZ's blog ( oops got her masterpiece up there) AND TODAY WE HAD FUNNNNN
During AEP we were like mad chickens ( the words below can't seem to appear o.O)
I want Siang's pictures and the one which has our masterpieces. Siang, I feel sad for your shoe, haha but it only cost you 20bucks, so i'll take bad the sadness (: haha, Lawyer was damn funny, he's hands were black as in really really black all the way, and i dared him to touch Siang's hair, and u know what? He did, so Siang had to wash he's hair like mad and the girls were like playing with he's cute short hair. lol
Thanks Dawn for the shirttt, yay. and i lovenicoleeeeeee(:
finally got siang's pictures, raey told me to kope from her(:
ART WORK(: my super B which got destroyed by eileen and yibei -.-
yay siang in dilemma, so cute(:
;7:17 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
i'm looking for someone who i can share my faith with, i'm looking for someone who understands how i feel and takes me there, it doesn't matter who you are, u're the one that i can share my heart with, the one i've been waiting for, could u be the one i need?
;9:03 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
channing tatum myfxckingod he's cute<3
;5:29 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
step up's the bomb. yo
;10:56 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
tried to play this song with the guitar just now, UGH it's hard
Randomness fxck i'm growing fat )):
and cheryl transfered to Bedok south..): why did u leave us, now who can i play bball with? my life just suck now
;7:48 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Marcus, don't get angry okay? Cheer up, you don't sound like yourself anymore):
;8:06 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Omg, this like the best April Fools Day ever! Except that we effing lost to PLMGS but nevermind. First we wanted to trick Lin Lao Shi by leaving the class and pretend we have PE the next lesson bfore Lin Lao Shi comes in but then we failed cos ronghui told the teacher..... i don't know how and don't know why but yea. During the HCL lesson, the back row pple were like tricking Lin Lao Shi and pointed outside the windows and went, " Lin Lao Shi, there, over there ...OMGOMG" and lin lao shi was like" What happened? Where where?" and she almost actually ran to look out the windows but there was nth. Then everybody said " HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!" and the whole class started bursting into laughter. haha. smart thing they copied the trick during flag raising. ( okay, the flag raising one wasn't much of a trick but this was(: )
Oh ya, then during LA, Yu Zhen was like pretending to paste something on Shanisca' s back but she didn't and Sha thought there was something. So, she was like, " Is there anything on my back?" Me:" Er... Noo. Wait wait wait, there is" Sha: " Where where? Me: " There there, that small little piece of paper" Sha: " Can help me take out?" Me: " Ask Yu Zhen to take it out for you." ( Sha asks Yu Zhen and turns to face her) Sha: " Can help me take out the thing on my back?" YZ: "Huh? There' s...nothing on..." ( i signaled to yz to pretend there really is something) YZ: " OH, that thing " Sha: "yar.. can help me take it out" YZ: Ok.. ( YZ reaches for her back and then softly slaps her shoulder ) YZ: There's nothing.. APRIL FOOLS DAY!
haha both of us were laughing like mad man, then we high fived.. super funny!