Crystal 050894 Redswastikaschool Dunmanhighschool Beltrix 08
Cursed w/ a freaking life :]
Jersey 13
My laptop<3
Will die w/o music
Hip hop :o
Daydreaming ALOT Friends are LOVE (BELTRIX! <3,
6/1 '06, lovelies! Happy ClUB :D, table-tennis & bball cliques), Lovebugz
Jyh Howe says: what combination you taking? Crystal says: 1B, 1A, 1C Crystal says: imba irhgt Crystal says: right Crystal says: haha Jyh Howe says: same. Crystal says: lol Jyh Howe says: but i dont think i can get in. Crystal says: but i don't think i can get in Crystal says: Omg haha Crystal says: jinx Jyh Howe says: D: Jyh Howe says: what the hell. Jyh Howe says: how the hell did that just happen
first it was the same combi, then saying the exact same thing at the exact same time. cool!
I cried. tonight. Haven't cried for a very long time. Haven't thought about what would happen if we get seperated. Haven't cherish the best of times.
So what's up so far? - pathetic Gpa results of 3.13 made me shed tears - The thought of not being able to enjoy the times we had tgt ever again if starting to hit me - Most importantly, tmrw's the last day & i bet i'll be too sad to even speak
But 2B made me learn to cherish our friends, teachers, and the fun, laughter, retarded jokes. - Pokercards! and Chinese chess! and the morons in class playing pokemon :D - 2B retarded olympic games - Guys playing tag with each other - Scandalous photos - Jinxing here and there! - Rubix cube craze - Crapping and hitting and pinching each others boobs and butts! - Parkouring - Tunneling - Bballing - Interclass Vballing
Most the fun we had so happens to start late, after the 1st semester, which makes it little time for 2B to bond even further and love each other for doing especially crazy nonsensical, and rlly hilarious stuff.
Come to think of it. I'll even miss the campus and the memories treasured in it. Our footsteps would always remain in Mt. Sinai. The traces left in the gym, ampitheatre, netball court, track, field, hall, canteen, 1B and 2B classrooms will always remind us that we had been there-- 2B was there. But mostly importantly, our footprints, chervy and yilling's retarded string, our chalk-written names, all in the tunnel shall remain a mystery for the others to find out.
So we went vivo tday for math trial and it was okay. xcept that i've been spending too much lately and will be watching hsm3 tmrw. but its okay. its not okay, its actually great!
Went to sentosa yesterday and became a whole lot blacker than usual, but Chervy said she'll always remember me when she sees and indian. So i shall take that as a compliment:D
N yes! Sentosa has many hot guys especially suzie who was really really cute ( saw him when we were sharing court to vball). Heheh wenning! jealous? He smiled at me:D:D and passed me the ball! haha And there was another even hotter guy that wore brown surf shorts, and zhen, wn and i thinks he is really really x100 HAWT.He kinda also smiled at us(: so that was awesome!
Plus, xinyi, tingyu, chervy and i had dinner and i really learnt alot about our class. esp the guys and the verge of ahem becoming gay. and the aheming things that they did. It was the best day that i had since the end of the exams when we gossiped sooo much and laughed and joked like hyper morons.
;7:01 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Can't wait for fun to never end♥
Yesterday was rlly great. Mummy bought me this to replace my old one. Decided to give adidas a try and take a break from nike! But this ball seems as hard as the previous one, nvm must get used to it(:
And then me and mum bought new swimwear from taka yesterday which totalled up like 140++ D: but oh well, their nice:D matching pieces, except different colour. Need to lose 5kg fast. so parkour and parkour + jog+ ball+ no junk food!
Watch Nights in Rodanthe yesterday. That show had an abrupt ending so i didn't like it that much bcos it ended so fast. And i thought there would be a happy ending but that guy died in the end. Oh and on tues, elishazhen cherv yilling YC and i watched housebunny which was super funny. Yilling and I were like laughing so bad at the troll and the short girl till everybody in the cinema was staring. ROFL. And HSM3 is starting very soon so i wanna go watch too! Even Mrs. Tan(math cher) said she was going towatch which makes it so rare.
It's like 11.30 alr and i realised i woke up at 9 and watched Meet the Robinsons on Disney Channel till 10. 40. First time watching and its quite nice:D Little wonders is a really nice song too, cos it went well with the ending. Small wonder why it was quite a popular, haha.
Gtg mapling now. byee # Join dance classes fast!
;11:04 AM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
no more stress no more homework no more studying
pure enjoymment!
First things first, i screwed up math which wasn't supposed to be screwed up. And let's forget about that since i worked so hard throughout the entire year, much more harkworking than last year :D. N i'm going to work as hard or even harder next year too! Hence, this is the time i should actually enjoy cos exams are over!
Volley ball results: 2B came in the semi-finals cos we didn't win 2H which we could've and did the first time bcos we didn't have better preparation. But jiayou girls:D cos we'll definitely fight hard this time to get a 3rd placing.
And the guys rlly owned:D:D super awesome siang, timo, weijie, chingying! and lameguy. haha
gd luck and BELTRIX knows u guys will srsly own(:
oh yea and i've became black again bcos of the super hot sun D: stupid luh. when pple turn red, i turn black. how retarded is that ? ._.
Then, went to nicole's hse after sch with sha, zhen, eli, yiling, YC & cherv
YEAH and prank calling was the most hilarious thing that happened tday
jyh howe's damn retarded to believe that sha had lost her phone and there's somebody called yvonne than that picked it up. HAHA and sha must love gerald so much cos he's so caring that he would wanna collect her phone for her. heheee retarded day:D
anyw picturesss
Oh yes and then i thought he knew already so i told jyh howe, crap!:
Jyh Howe: i was serious when i first heard the voice. Jyh Howe: then i phone nicole. Jyh Howe: then the voice is the same.
hahaaa. and:
Crystal: FREAKING HILARIOUS:D 16/10/2008 10:35:49 PM Jyh Howe -,- 16/10/2008 10:35:54 PM Jyh Howe: ok i admit it was a good prank. Jyh Howe: at first can believe lah Jyh Howe: i sleeping halfway then suddenly receive call -,-
That was stupid =p
i realised that the lesson of the day was that PRANKING ROCKS! k gtg cos my body's all worn out and i need sleep so badly. byee